5 Years of Nicamisol

5 Years of Nicamisol This is our story How did Nicamisol come to be? My co-founder Felix and I met at Abuelita Tula’s birthday party shortly after we moved to Nicaragua. Our conversation quickly turned to our shared interest in renewable energies and my original plan for a three-year sabbatical in Nicaragua was out of the window. Why did you start Nicamisol? Just a few weeks after arrival, I recognized the large potential for solar energy in Nicaragua. High electricity prices, coupled with lots of sunshine, make solar energy a very attractive investment. Integrating battery storage can help to tackle the frequent grid outages. Being near the equator coupled with a relatively light rainy season, even allows to go all off-grid. In other words, great conditions for solar! Being on a sabbatical and free from daily commitments gave me the opportunity not just to recognize Nicaragua’s great potential for solar energy but to take action and start Nicamisol. In the following, I believe that my educational and professional background in solar energy were some of the key factors in making Nicamisol successful. Do you remember your first project? Yes, of course! Our first project was a system installation of 12 panels for my father-in-law. I vividly remember being on the roof with Felix, figuring out how to set everything up.  For all connections and the installation of inverter and batteries, we contracted a local electrician. How did you go from there? The first installation happened about half a year in – after setting up our website and database, sourcing different solar solutions, deciding on suppliers, and then waiting patiently for the equipment to arrive in Nicaragua. In the following, thanks to recommendations from happy clients, we experienced organic growth. We are grateful that our first clients were very patient, often waiting several months for us to get their equipment to Nicaragua. Now we are in a much better position to deliver quickly. What were some key moments in Nicamisol’s early days? One year into operations, we hired Ronald, our main accountant. He did an excellent job transitioning our rudimentary bookkeeping from Excel to a professional accounting software, designed by my wife, a business consultant and EY alumni, and programmed by me. This was a strategic move in order to have all company processes in one place, including customer relationship management, project design and management, inventory management and control, and, of course, accounting.   Another significant milestone for Nicamisol was bringing Jan on board as a partner. Jan lives in San Juan del Sur where many of our off-grid solar panel systems are located. Today, two years later, Jan has just completed the construction of his own 100% solar-powered home. Where does Nicamisol stand today? We are doing our very best to accelerate Nicaragua’s transition to renewable energies. Our nearly 300 installed solar panel systems primarily power homes with high energy demand from appliances such as air conditioners and pool pumps. Given the high specific price of electricity in the upper consumption brackets, our systems often pay for themselves in under five years. With our lithium batteries, homeowners can use the energy generated during the day throughout the night and ensure that lights stay on during grid outages. What are your future plans for Nicamisol? Having built trust with local financing institutions over the past five years as a highly reliable partner, we are now in the position to offer attractive financing and leasing options for our clients offering multiple benefits that accelerate solar deployment in Nicaragua. For our clients, the most appealing aspects of leasing are the low upfront costs and not having to worry about maintenance and insurance. With this relatively new option and the currently low prices for solar panels, we anticipate installing more large systems in the near future. Additionally, we are expanding our operations to Costa Rica. We have already established Nicamisol Costa Rica and are developing initial projects there. Guanacaste, a province in northwest Costa Rica, shares a strong historical bond with Nicaragua, having been part of it until about 200 years ago. We’re excited to bring our Nica brand known for high quality systems and exceptional service to Costa Rica to represent the great work that comes from Nicaragua and its people. Are you looking to install a Solar System? Get a Free Estimate

Corn Island Project – SPA

El viaje solar de Meyla con Nicamisol Ubicada en el corazón del Caribe, en la pintoresca Corn Island de Nicaragua, se produjo una transformación notable. Meyla, junto con su madre y su abuela de 91 años, abrazaron el cambio cuando Nicamisol instaló un sistema de energía solar de última generación en su casa. Esta mejora de su hogar no sólo redujo sus costos de electricidad, sino que también proporciona una solución confiable a los frecuentes cortes de energía en la isla. El desafío: la red inestable de Corn Island Corn Island, a pesar de su belleza, lucha con una red eléctrica muy poco confiable. Los residentes enfrentan fluctuaciones de voltaje y cortes de energía prolongados, lo que dificulta la vida cotidiana. El coste de la electricidad es otra carga, que a menudo genera facturas elevadas. Meyla, que divide su tiempo entre Estados Unidos y Corn Island, conocía el desafío que supone lidiar con la inestable red eléctrica de la isla, que actúa como una barrera para una vida cómoda en su familia, especialmente para su anciana abuela. El camino de Meyla a Nicamisol Meyla se embarcó en una búsqueda que incluyó consultas con las principales empresas solares de Managua, empresas estadounidenses y residentes de la isla que habían optado por la energía solar. Sin embargo, recibió advertencias: “Ten mucho cuidado. Estas grandes empresas instalan tu sistema, toman tu dinero y te dejan que te las arregles solo cuando algo sale mal. ¡Sólo ten cuidado!”. La búsqueda exhaustiva de Meyla de un proveedor de energía solar confiable la llevó a Nicamisol y a nuestro fundador, Jonas. Conocer Nicamisol: un punto de inflexión Meyla nos comparte que desde su primera interacción, destacaron el profesionalismo, la paciencia y la amabilidad genuina de Jonas. “Nos describió todo lo que Nicamisol podía brindarnos, respondió pacientemente a todas nuestras preguntas (y teníamos muchas) y se comunicó con frecuencia para asegurarse de que teníamos lo que necesitábamos para tomar esta decisión. En resumen, Jonas irradiaba una amabilidad y un cuidado genuinos que “Había desaparecido durante nuestra búsqueda”. Del continente a la isla: un viaje de dos días a Corn Island El viaje de instalación fue toda una aventura. Nuestro equipo se embarcó en una caminata de casi dos días, cruzando Nicaragua en camión y luego haciendo el tramo final hasta Corn Island en barco. Meyla recuerda que “el equipo de 5 personas llegó y, en menos de 2 días, instalaron nuestro sistema. Cada miembro del equipo de Nicamisol fue amable, solidario y súper profesional. Era obvio que eran expertos en el campo de la energía solar. “ Superando Expectativas: La Experiencia de Meyla con Nicamisol Meyla recomienda: “Si está considerando la energía solar, no busque más, esta empresa. Nicamisol es una operación impresionante: no incumplen los plazos, tienen piezas en stock y realizan el trabajo de manera rápida y eficiente. Sin embargo, lo que realmente los diferencia , es el nivel de atención que brindan a cada cliente. Durante todo el proceso, nos sentimos como el único cliente de Jonas. Incluso después de la instalación y activación del sistema, nos sentimos seguros sabiendo que el equipo de Nicamisol está monitoreando de forma remota, listo para intervenir y proporcionar apoyo cuando lo necesitemos. De principio a fin, Jonas y su equipo hicieron que este proyecto fuera agradable y memorable. Casi renunciamos a nuestros sueños solares. El proceso parecía imposible hasta que encontramos Nicamisol”. Lee la reseña completa Iluminando vidas, un hogar a la vez. Este proyecto era más que simplemente instalar paneles solares, baterías y un inversor: se trataba de dotar a una familia de energía sostenible y confiable. Para Meyla, su madre y su abuela, el sistema de energía solar trajo estabilidad e independencia, liberándolas de la imprevisibilidad de la red local y altos costos de la electricidad. La relación con nuestros clientes se extiende mucho más allá de la instalación. Brindamos monitoreo y soporte remotos continuos, asegurando que nuestros sistemas continúen funcionando de manera eficiente y efectiva. Para Meyla y su familia, esto significa tranquilidad al saber que tienen una fuente de energía confiable y un equipo listo para ayudar en cualquier momento. En Nicamisol no sólo instalamos paneles solares; Estamos iluminando vidas, un hogar a la vez. ¿Estás buscando instalar un Sistema Solar? Obtenga su presupuesto gratis

Corn Island Project ENG

Meyla’s Solar Journey with Nicamisol Nestled in the heart of the Caribbean, on the picturesque Corn Island of Nicaragua, a remarkable transformation took place. Meyla, along with her mother and 91-year-old grandmother, embraced change as Nicamisol installed a state-of-the-art solar energy system in their home. This upgrade to their home not only slashed their electricity costs, but also provides a reliable solution to the frequent power outages on the island. The Challenge: Corn Island’s Unstable Grid Corn Island, despite its beauty, struggles with a highly unreliable electricity grid. Residents face voltage fluctuations and prolonged power outages, making everyday life challenging. The cost of electricity is another burden, often leading to high bills. Meyla, who splits her time between the United States and Corn Island, knew the struggle of dealing with the island’s unstable electricity grid, acting as a barrier to a comfortable life for her family, especially for her elderly grandmother. Meyla’s Path to Nicamisol Meyla embarked on a quest that included consulting with top solar companies in Managua, U.S. firms, and with island residents who had opted for solar power. However, she was met with warnings: “be very careful. These big companies install your system, take your money and leave you to fend for yourself when something goes wrong. Just be careful!” Meyla’s exhaustive search for a trustworthy solar provider led her to Nicamisol and our founder, Jonas. Meeting Nicamisol: A Turning Point Meyla reports that from their first interaction, Jonas’ professionalism, patience, and genuine kindness stood out. “He described for us all that Nicamisol could provide, patiently answered all of our questions (and we had many) and checked in often to ensure we had what we needed to make this decision. In short, Jonas exuded a genuine kindness and care that had been missing during our search.” From Mainland to Island: The Two-Day Trek to Corn Island The installation journey was an adventure in itself. Our team embarked on a nearly two-day trek, crossing Nicaragua by truck and then making the final leg to Corn Island by boat. Meyla remembers that “the team of 5 arrived and, in less than 2 days, had installed our system. Every member of the Nicamisol team was kind, supportive and uber professional. It was obvious that they were experts in the field of solar energy.” Exceeding Expectations: Meyla’s Experience with Nicamisol Meyla recommends that “If you are considering solar energy, look no further than this company. Nicamisol is an impressive operation: they do not miss deadlines, have parts in stock and get the work done quickly and efficiently. What truly sets them apart, however, is the level of care they provide each customer. Throughout the process, we felt like Jonas’ only customer. And even after installation and activation of the system, we feel safe knowing that the Nicamisol team is monitoring remotely, ready to step in and provide support whenever we need it. From start to finish, Jonas and team made this project enjoyable and memorable. We almost gave up on our solar dreams. The process just seemed impossible – until we found Nicamisol”. Click here to see the full review Illuminating Lives, One Home at a Time. This project was more than just installing solar panels, batteries and an inverter: it was about empowering a family with sustainable, reliable energy. For Meyla, her mother and her grandmother, the solar energy system brought stability and independence, liberating them from the unpredictability of the local grid and high electricity costs. The relationship with our customers extends far beyond installation. We provide ongoing remote monitoring and support, ensuring that our systems continue to operate efficiently and effectively. For Meyla and her family, this means peace of mind, knowing they have a reliable energy source and a team ready to assist at a moment’s notice. At Nicamisol, we are not just installing solar panels; we are illuminating lives, one home at a time. Are you looking to install a Solar System? Get a Free Estimate

Eve´s House SPA

Conoce la historia de Eve Rivas https://youtu.be/dajvjpkdSOQ?si=QsPb1LAwgri1vb0G ¿Qué ha cambiado para ti desde que tienes el Sistema? “¡Todo. mi vida! No tengo que pensar si voy a tener suficiente energía o si se acabará. No tengo que preocuparme por dejar las cosas encendidas, ni por cuánto será mi factura cada mes. ¡Porque la electricidad aquí es muy cara! ¡Y la gente pasa tiempo preocupándose!” ¿Qué te ha gustado más al trabajar con Nicamisol? “Ustedes chicos, Jan y tu Jonas, ¡Son muy receptivos! Si tengo una pregunta, envío un mensaje de texto o llamo, ¡te comunicas de inmediato! ¡Eso no sucede hoy en día! Hoy en día recibes mensajes largos, tienes que llamar a atención al cliente, tienes que presionar uno, presionar cuatro, hacer esto, hacer aquello… ¡Todavía estás en contacto con tus clientes, todavía te preocupas por nosotros, nos amas, vienes a nuestra propiedad y me ayudas!” ¿Cómo es el rendimiento de tu sistema? “¡Mi sistema no ha fallado desde el día que lo instalaron! Tengo total confianza porque he pasado por días nublados, he pasado por la temporada de lluvias. Mi sistema nunca ha fallado porque sé cómo usarlo y es tan eficiente, lo amo tanto, ¡es lo mejor que he comprado en mi vida!” ¿Estás buscando instalar un Sistema Solar? Obtenga su presupuesto gratis

Eve´s House ENG

Welcome to Eve´s Story Rivas https://youtu.be/dajvjpkdSOQ?si=QsPb1LAwgri1vb0G What has changed for you since you have the system? “Everything! My life! I don’t have to think about whether I’m going to have enough power or I’m going to run out. I don’t have to worry about leaving things on or how much my bill’s going to be every month. Because electricity here is so expensive! And people actually spend time worrying!” What have you liked about working with Nicamisol? “You guys, Jan and you, Jonas, are so responsive! If I have a question, I text or I call, you get back to me right away! That doesn’t happen in this day and age! In this day and age you get long messages, you have to call customer support, you have to press one press four do this do that… You’re still in touch with your clients, you still care about us, and you love us, and you come to our property and you help me!” How´s the performance of your system? “My system hasn’t gone down since the day they put it! I have total confidence because I’ve gone through cloudy days, I’ve been through the rainy season. My system has never gone down because I know how to use it, and it’s so efficient I love it so much I it’s the best thing I’ve ever bought in my life!” Are you looking to install a Solar System? Get a Free Estimate

Lucy’s House

Proyecto de instalación solar residencial

Contact Us The Before Situation The Solution we Gave The Results Are you looking to install a Solar System? Get a Free Quote Servicios Empresa Proyectos Funeraria Monte de los Olivos 2 C al lago, casa #206 M/D, 14033 Colonial Los Robles, Managua, Nicaragua. info@nicamisol.com 87138060 Click here

The Quezada’s House

Contáctenos The Before Situation The Solution we Gave The Results Are you looking to install a Solar System? Get a Free Quote Servicios Empresa Proyectos Funeraria Monte de los Olivos 2 C al lago, casa #206 M/D, 14033 Colonial Los Robles, Managua, Nicaragua. info@nicamisol.com 87138060 Click here

The Fox’s House

Residential Solar Instalation  Rivas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHOmBV4js_E The Before Situation The Solution we Gave The Results Are you looking to instal a Solar System? Get a Free Quote