Meyla's Solar Journey with Nicamisol

Nestled in the heart of the Caribbean, on the picturesque Corn Island of Nicaragua, a remarkable transformation took place. Meyla, along with her mother and 91-year-old grandmother, embraced change as Nicamisol installed a state-of-the-art solar energy system in their home. This upgrade to their home not only slashed their electricity costs, but also provides a reliable solution to the frequent power outages on the island.

The Challenge: Corn Island's Unstable Grid

Corn Island, despite its beauty, struggles with a highly unreliable electricity grid. Residents face voltage fluctuations and prolonged power outages, making everyday life challenging. The cost of electricity is another burden, often leading to high bills.

Meyla, who splits her time between the United States and Corn Island, knew the struggle of dealing with the island’s unstable electricity grid, acting as a barrier to a comfortable life for her family, especially for her elderly grandmother.

Meyla's Path to Nicamisol

Meyla embarked on a quest that included consulting with top solar companies in Managua, U.S. firms, and with island residents who had opted for solar power. However, she was met with warnings: “be very careful. These big companies install your system, take your money and leave you to fend for yourself when something goes wrong. Just be careful!”

Meyla’s exhaustive search for a trustworthy solar provider led her to Nicamisol and our founder, Jonas.

Meeting Nicamisol: A Turning Point

Meyla reports that from their first interaction, Jonas’ professionalism, patience, and genuine kindness stood out. “He described for us all that Nicamisol could provide, patiently answered all of our questions (and we had many) and checked in often to ensure we had what we needed to make this decision. In short, Jonas exuded a genuine kindness and care that had been missing during our search.”

From Mainland to Island: The Two-Day Trek to Corn Island

The installation journey was an adventure in itself. Our team embarked on a nearly two-day trek, crossing Nicaragua by truck and then making the final leg to Corn Island by boat. Meyla remembers that “the team of 5 arrived and, in less than 2 days, had installed our system. Every member of the Nicamisol team was kind, supportive and uber professional. It was obvious that they were experts in the field of solar energy.”

Exceeding Expectations: Meyla's Experience with Nicamisol

Meyla recommends that “If you are considering solar energy, look no further than this company. Nicamisol is an impressive operation: they do not miss deadlines, have parts in stock and get the work done quickly and efficiently. What truly sets them apart, however, is the level of care they provide each customer. Throughout the process, we felt like Jonas’ only customer. And even after installation and activation of the system, we feel safe knowing that the Nicamisol team is monitoring remotely, ready to step in and provide support whenever we need it.

From start to finish, Jonas and team made this project enjoyable and memorable. We almost gave up on our solar dreams. The process just seemed impossible – until we found Nicamisol”.

Illuminating Lives, One Home at a Time.

This project was more than just installing solar panels, batteries and an inverter: it was about empowering a family with sustainable, reliable energy. For Meyla, her mother and her grandmother, the solar energy system brought stability and independence, liberating them from the unpredictability of the local grid and high electricity costs.

The relationship with our customers extends far beyond installation. We provide ongoing remote monitoring and support, ensuring that our systems continue to operate efficiently and effectively. For Meyla and her family, this means peace of mind, knowing they have a reliable energy source and a team ready to assist at a moment’s notice.

At Nicamisol, we are not just installing solar panels; we are illuminating lives, one home at a time.

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